Thursday, July 16, 2009

This Will Blow Your Socks Off

After looking through the plethora of options of blogs to write about, my attention was quickly drawn to one when I read the words “$700 million welfare program for wild horses.” As I continued reading the plans for the renewal of the “American Mustangs Act,” I was completely blown away. Their goals are to conduct a horse census every two years, provide "enhanced contraception" and birth control for horses, establish an additional 19 million acres of public and private land for wild horses, cover a $5 million tab to repair horse damage to land and mandate that government bureaucrats perform home inspections before Americans can adopt horses. If you stop to think just for one second you could probably see how absurd this plan sounds. Personally, I find this article worth reading as it represents one of the many ways our elected officials misuse American tax dollars to fund a special interest group. Are we truly willing to put the welfare of animals ahead of our human race? One has to wonder what American’s priorities really are these days…

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