Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Personal Take on National Government

The U.S. national government is unquestionably a double sided subject. It plays a huge role in society and is greatly needed to keep a peaceful aura among the nation. Without it, the general public would become quite chaotic and even helpless to some extent but even with it things still become crazy because of the tight hold they tend to keep. The Government provides endlessly for its citizens, from financial aid and heath care to military protection and law enforcement. They do so much for the community and even though they aren’t perfect we still tend to take our government for granted. If we stopped to reflect about the things they do for us then I believe many Americans would form a greater appreciation and respect for the government and what they do.

Looking deeper into some of these topics you can see how much the government tries to make our lives easier. They not only help their fellow colleagues but they have all “genres” of people in mind; normal American adults, teenagers and even children. They have a full plate on their hands but some how they manage to frequently meet our wants and needs. When it comes to children and young adults, the government helps supply the funding for multiple places for them to become educated, whether it’s school buildings, college campuses or tutoring facilities. The lack of education poses a huge threat to the well being of the citizens of the United States. Therefore, without the national government, a good majority of the American population would be ill equip to hold a job or even function properly in the real world.

Not only do they give us the opportunity to become knowledgeable, but they help us with our physical needs by providing health insurance, care and benefits. They assist the elderly by providing multiple Medicare programs so that each individual can find a plan that they are eligible for. They also provide adults and their families some sort of medical coverage through their particular employment. Without the government’s service to our medical requirements Americans would be equally lost and incapable of not only mentally functioning but now physically as well.

These two focal points that I have mentioned are the basis of living. Without them our country would cease to exist even remotely the way it currently does. The national government is a necessity for our society to be viewed as highly as it is today. After researching the U.S. national government, I now see how ludicrous it was to think that the nation could function without the government. They do more for their people than we will ever know and that is why we need to stop being so nit picky when criticizing them with every little action they make. We need to be grateful that our country is blessed with such a compassionate and understanding government because there are many other countries that are not nearly as fortunate as our beautiful home we call America.

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