Monday, August 10, 2009

There's Always Room For Improvement

In all honesty, whether you support or reject our current form of government or the way things are run, it is a fair and accurate claim that our government works tremendously hard and does a plethora of duties for our beloved country. Though that statement may be plausible, the government still contains its imperfections; there’s always going to be room for improvement. There could potentially be significant adjustments to health care, such as creating a universal health care plan for the nation. The government could also invest more time in helping decrease homelessness in America.

Health care is imperative to the well being of our entire society. I feel the need to fight for a universal health care plan because there are too many Americans that aren’t able to get the proper medical, dental or mental attention they need because they can’t afford it or they don’t have the proper insurance. It’s not right to penalize citizens because they aren’t as wealthy as the person next door. In fact, it’s simply inhumane to not allow any American proper health care due to their financial/personal issues. Implementing a universal health care plan would only benefit a multitude of people and save millions of lives that are lost due to lack of health care. I believe that if Americans saw all the incredible benefits this plan has to offer then many people would convert and begin to support this universal health care plan.

Now for homelessness, homelessness in America is a crisis that society typically takes lightly. The American population needs to be concerned of their fellow Americans and that can only take place if they become more aware of the severity of what’s happening. The government also needs a wake up call; they need to set the example for Americans and become active in striving to solve this dilemma. There have been efforts to help mend the homelessness in America but not enough national efforts. A National Alliance to End Homelessness Annual Conference was held in Washington DC, but that’s not enough! More conferences and actions such as this need to take place nationally, not just in the area of the world where our government is prominent. Secretary Donovan spoke at the conference in Washington DC and stated, "We have proven we can house anyone. Our job now is to house everyone - to prevent and end homelessness. All homelessness." This should be the mission statement that Americans follow. I propose that we educate Americans by discussing homelessness frequently on the news, create support groups for the homeless and form more conferences and groups that will continue to think of new ways to reduce homelessness.

The United States is a family and families stick together through thick and thin. We can’t abandon our family members when they’re in trouble therefore we can’t disregard the American people when they are struggling to survive. It’s our job as a community to support one another and it’s the government’s job to lead the way.

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