Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Texting and Driving

I definitely see eye to eye with Hwong and his take on texting while driving. I’ll be honest and say that it’s unfortunate that I’m the one who’s actually doing the texting and driving. Even being the one to fall into this habit, I think it’s fantastic that Senators are pressing for a bill to ban texting while driving. It’s a far fetched plan, but it would be time well spent to push towards this goal because it would reduce the number of accidents and even deaths.

Every teen or even adult needs a slap on the wrist because this isn’t a good habit and it’s not something that can easily be broken. Even knowing how dangerous this act can be I still find it nearly impossible to stop texting, it’s now second nature to pick up my phone every time I hear it buzz. The whole texting and driving thing is definitely a phenomenon; no one can really explain why it’s such an addicting habit. It really isn’t that big of a deal to go a day without texting your buddy and yet a good majority of people flip out, including myself when their phones dies or the person they’re texting doesn’t immediately text back.

People are way too caught up in the whole idea of constantly keeping in contact with their peers and I’m guilty as well. I strongly hope that this new effort to punish people for texting while they are driving becomes effective fast because many people die or become severely injured because of this ridiculous habit. It won’t be easy by any means to get people, especially teens off their cell phones but it’s a good goal. Personally, if I was more educated about the dangers and other statistics of texting while driving it would be more encouraging to stop. Other than that, I’m not sure there is much we can do to prevent it because the use of your cell phone can easily be hidden by keeping it beneath the window and wearing a pair of sunglasses. None the less, texting and driving should be banned unquestionably. It’s a safety hazard not only to the ones texting but to all fellow drivers.

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